Sunday 27 March 2011

What PAs are saying about APA training and qualifications

Pictured (L-R): Tara Chase, Aimie Stephens, Lisa Fawcett & Sam Herridge

“As an experienced PA looking for a recognised qualification, I am really pleased to have been introduced to The Association of Personal Assistants (APA) and have subsequently joined at Fellow Grade.” “I attended Day 1 of The Diploma which brings a valued credibility to the role of PA which is often misunderstood and undervalued. The course content is both enlightening and directly transferable to improving my daily performance. I am looking forward to Module 2. A stimulating and enjoyable day. Thank you APA.” Tara Chase, RPMI

“I thoroughly enjoyed the first module of the Diploma Programme and came away feeling very motivated and inspired. PA’s are a real asset to their manager and to the business and for me this module really brought home the importance of our role. I’m really looking forward to implementing some of the ideas we discussed and improving the way I work.” Aimie Stephens, TRACKER

“I found yesterday very inspiring, I think there is a whole world of opportunities for PA’s, they are able to do so much more than just manage calendars and send emails! I thought I was the only one who felt like this, but meeting the other girls yesterday, they too feel the same. I want to be able to show my full potential and take on more challenges.” Lisa Fawcett, Transport for London

“A great course to learn new ways of approaching your work and your relationship with your boss. Very useful for stimulating new ways of thinking.” Sam Herridge, ELEXON


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