Monday 18 January 2010

Intergalactic PA

APA has been lobbying for sometime for a better understanding of how jobs have changed in recent years and how they will change even faster in the future. It has cited the role of the Personal Assistant as a perfect example; “It is a job that has changed in the past 10 years; from secretarial to managerial, and will definitely change further in the next ten,” said Gareth Osborne of APA.

The PAs organisation has recently responded to a Government-commissioned report into the landscape of future jobs. The report shows that a number of factors including population growth, environmental impact and developments in science and technology, will lead to a host of different careers existing in the future. More importantly it shows that young people are going to need to think ahead when deciding on their career path in the future.

“This is something that career services in the UK have not equipped young people to do historically,” said Gareth. “The careers that seem attractive today may not exist tomorrow. It is important that young people explore their career options and gain as broad an experience-base as possible if they are to succeed.”

The digital revolution will lead to jobs for virtual lawyers, virtual clutter organisers and waste data handlers, while breakthroughs in space travel will lead to people swapping the office for the final frontier as space pilots, space architects and space tour guides, it was suggested.

APA will be joining other professional bodies in making practical recommendations to Government on future jobs through the work of its Youth Employment Taskforce chaired by Baroness Prosser.


1 comment:

Sue Anderson said...

I just love the picture!