Monday 18 January 2010

See and be seen

APA passionately believes that small businesses with a web presence must better embrace search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques if they are to succeed. This is especially true where their principal objective is to promote their services and products to the maximum number of customers.

APA Technology Director, Colin Minto feels it is essential to own well-optimised (search engine-friendly) websites in order to remain competitive in the online business world.

“Optimised content can help by getting the website easily recognised by leading search engines and consequently, it will be able to attain a higher ranking, which makes it easier for consumers to find it, ideally leading to an increase in customer traffic. The quality of content and the ranking position your website achieves in the major search engines is hugely important these days. It is increasingly important to include core data about your website in the page titles and descriptions. Keywords should also be used at least three or four times," said Colin.

“APA has achieved good, not yet great, SEO but it is a major plank of our business strategy to ensure we access as many PAs as possible and to do that our website has to be easily found.

SEO will remain a major issue in the ever expanding global marketplace.

Colin Minto, APA

1 comment:

Jan Greene said...

Could APA do a piece on SEO. I really don't understand it! Jan.