Friday 26 February 2010

Third World Britain

I had the doubtful pleasure of driving around the majority of the M25 this week and have to say I was appalled by its current state of repair and that of other adjoining roads. In one section of road works near Watford, where outside lane traffic was maintained in a single carriageway, the potholes were so deep I feared my suspension had actually collapsed.

I remember being told when I flew around the world in the 1970’s that a third world country was one that struggled to compete because of a lack of one or usually more of the following: health, education, employment, physical infrastructure, money, and focused leadership. I wonder if the UK would stand up to close scrutiny in the current economic climate?.

APA will again be writing to Government (although recognises that they are responsible for less than 10% of the total road infrastructure) asking for its strategy for repair. Would members please let me have their stories from around the country.

If you have a problem with potholes or damage caused by them, you can also go to

Gareth, APA

1 comment:

Tracy Carter FAPA said...

Thanks for the pothole website is there a maximum number of potholes you can log? I drive what my daughter calls a 'little red roller skate' and I have a feeling that one of these days I'm going to drive into a pothole and never be seen again!