Saturday 3 July 2010

Beware of the Mismatch

The private sector will not want to grow fast enough to absorb job losses from government-funded organisations, APA has warned.

Gareth Osborne, Director General of APA has warned the Government that there is a strict limit to the number of new employees the private sector will want to absorb even though signs show increased demand in recent months. He said: "The minimal growth in private sector demand for new workers is not yet anything near strong enough to compensate for the suggested public sector job losses and won’t be for some years to come. For public sector workers the biggest problem they face is a skills mismatch and government would be well advised to address this quickly."

Gareth was commenting after exclusive reports from the Guardian, based upon leaked government data, claims that 100,000-120,000 public sector jobs will go each year until 2014 as the government reduces spending. However, he noted that private sector businesses are "increasingly conscious" that they face a skills shortage as the economy continues to improve.

According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development's recent Resourcing and Talent Planning survey, 68 per cent of organisations have experienced recruitment difficulties in recent months. In 67 per cent of cases, this was due to an absence of the skills they were looking for among jobseekers.


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