Saturday 1 October 2011

Agency Workers - new regulations apply

Saturday 1st October sees the introduction of the Agency Workers Regulations (AWR). These new regulations will see flexible workers becoming entitled to the same pay and treatment as the permanent staff they are working alongside, once they have been in the same role for 12 weeks.

The purpose of the Directive is to provide temporary agency workers with equal treatment in terms of basic working and employment conditions as if they had been employed directly to do the same job. Equal treatment under the Directive as reflected in the Regulations relates to basic working and employment conditions, those being: pay; working hours; overtime; breaks; rest periods; holidays; and access to training and collective facilities, such as childcare.

Today is a significant day for employers who use temporary workers and the recruitment industry that places them. For after years of tireless campaigning in Brussels and Westminster the Agency Worker Regulations (AWR) finally go live.

In the view of REC (the recruitment industry professional body) and APA, the Regulations are a sledgehammer to crack a nut and may cost UK employers over £2 billion a year in additional employment costs.

Gareth Osborne of APA said: “The implementation of the Directive will have major implications on the costs and use of agency workers and could severely damage available opportunities for workers already facing redundancy. Temporary work has historically been seen as a way back into work – alas, no more.”

“APA members should be aware that from today all agency workers (temps) must be paid at the same rate as the person they are replacing or covering for after 12 weeks of engagement.”

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