Friday 14 October 2011

You're my favourite!

According to a study of more than 1,000 employers by an HR consultancy, almost a third of respondents admit that they ‘favour’ certain members of their staff more than others; due mostly to these employees having a ‘stronger work ethic’.

Of the 31% cent, around18% cent say that their ‘loyalty to the company’ was why they favoured them and a further 11% say they favour them because of their ‘sense of humour in the work place’. 25% said they ‘just liked their personality.’

All respondents were asked if they felt that they had ‘personal friendships’ with any members of their team, to which just under two thirds, 61 per cent, said ‘Yes’. While in contrast, only 27% stated that they were not friends with any of their employees.
Gareth Osborne of APA said: “There are very few reasons to go out to work and I always list money, money, fun and money as the first four. People do make friends and definitely have favourites. It’s the reason that some people work more closely than others and justifies why the PA and Boss relationship, in many cases, is so strong. It is much more complex than the HR survey suggests and should be embraced and not avoided at all cost as the report concludes.


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