Monday 12 December 2011

Never a better time to book training

“I know from experience that the hardest person on the team to buy for is your PA. As a good Boss you have probably bought many a small thank-you throughout the year (the odd bottle of perfume from travels abroad and oodles of chocolate) but Christmas is always difficult.”

If your Boss is struggling for ideas (or worse, asks you to get yourself something!), you couldn't do better than suggest they enrol you for a professional qualification with APA. The ‘PA Professional’ programme is a great starting point for experienced PAs and if s/he is feeling really generous with the company’s funds (and it is tax deductable) then ask them to commit to the full Diploma and get some letters after your name. You can always mention the perfume as an after-thought!

Gareth, APA

1 comment:

Helen said...

I might do this, he was muttering over lunch trying to get some ideas. Can I get a course for 70p? Only joking - I'l give it a go.