Friday 7 January 2011

Farewell Christmas and on with the serious stuff

I wouldn’t want anybody to think I don’t have any work to do but …. Earlier this morning I opened a box of branded chocolate biscuits, dropped off by a supplier, and handed them around the office. We quickly concluded that they weren’t good and started to question the quality of the chocolate. It definitely seemed inferior to the normal product that we all know and love.

It became such a topic of discussion that we extended our survey to all 12 people in the office and even sent out for a control sample of the regular product from the local shop. Unanimously we have concluded that the Christmas-branded biscuits are covered with a blander, less chocolaty and dare we say ‘cheaper tasting’ variant. So the question arises: “Are we being fobbed off with a poorer chocolate but attracted by the well-known brand?” I would be interested to hear the opinion of others; especially as the ‘Great Feast of Chocolate’; aka Easter, approaches.

Aimee Lewis, FAPA


Gareth Osborne, APA said...

Hi Aimee, just spotted your blog. Humorous as always but a good point well made. I had a similar experience myself. Its an interesting thought. If we get a response from Members I will write to the manufacturer concerned and see what they say; it may be sugar-coated though.


Faye Allenwood, APA said...

Ha Ha. I like this blog and its definitely right there is a second class chocolate used in things like easter eggs and christmas products. Eggs are a real problem of mine, just look at the price per kg of choc and it doesn't make sense.