Friday 18 February 2011

Sickness cheats

APA is supporting Government plans to conduct a review of sickness absence as part of its shake-up of the welfare reform system.

In an Absence Management survey (CIPD 2010) it was found that the average level of absence is 7.7 days per employee per year, with nine out of ten employers saying absence is a significant cost to their business.

In launching the review the Prime Minister said: “A short spell of sickness can far too easily become a gradual slide to a lifetime of benefit dependency,” and APA welcomes the weight he is throwing behind efforts to solve this seemingly intractable problem. Employers, government, and voluntary and private sector providers need to work together to do more to stop people falling out of work for long periods.

APA will work closely to ensure any initiatives are fair and even-handed and encourages members to share their views on the matter asap.


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