Saturday 5 November 2011

Are your winter strategies evolving?

Businesses should start planning now for harsh winter weather to avoid being caught out by sudden cold snaps as seen during the previous two years, says APA. The organisation is making the warning after predicted an end to the unseasonably mild conditions across the UK by the end of November.

APA warns that SMEs can be particularly vulnerable to the impact of freak weather and should start planning ahead by checking their premises are winter-proof, insurance is up to date, and contingency plans are well-thought-out in case staff can't get in to work. The past two winters have seen Arctic weather cause havoc for British businesses due to the disruption, and, according to early long range forecasts, December is likely to start with severe frosts with the chance of snow for many areas closer to Christmas.

According to data from a major small business survey, 13 per cent said they were ‘seriously' impacted by last winter's bad weather, and 37 per cent said they experienced weather-related problems of some sort. Figures also showed during the winter of 2010 that 34 per cent of workers experienced ‘significant problems' getting to work, with 10 per cent unable to get in at all at some point. Eight per cent of workers were prevented from going in to work at least once because their children's school had closed due to the bad weather.

APA recommends that PAs speak to HR to ensure strategies are in place or should establish their own. Remember, people are our most expensive and most valuable business asset.


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