Tuesday 15 September 2009

No Handshakes!

ACTE urges temporary behavioural change to reduce potential H1N1 Influenza impact on meetings and business travel

The Association of Corporate Travel Executives (ACTE) has today recommended the temporary suspension of the age old traditional greetings in western civilization - the handshake - until the H1N1 influenza virus threat has been reduced to the status of the common cold. According to a statement issued by ACTE Executive Director Susan Gurley, temporarily eliminating ‘the handshake’ from business travel may go a long way in reducing the person-to-person contact that spreads this variety of influenza.

“We are being advised that the best way to catch errant coughs and sneezes is to use a handkerchief or our sleeves, rather than by the normal reactive method of raising a hand to our mouth or nose” said Gurley, “The best solution to impede the spread of the H1N1 flu virus is to repeatedly wash our hands, especially after touching our faces, or coming into contact with someone else’s face or hand.”

A random survey of ACTE members revealed it would be easier to drop the traditional handshake, for the duration of the health crisis - should one develop - rather than try to outlaw the learned behaviour of cupping the face.

We all hope the escalation of H1N1 fails to happen but if it does, lets all keep our hands firmly in our pockets.

Gareth, APA.

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