Sunday 17 July 2011

Helen beats the odds but sadly not her rival

She beat Susie, which was a surprise to me, but what a blow for Helen to lose to Mr. Nice Guy, Tom, who’s only winning quality proved to be his recognition that Lord Sugar has a passion for products. Having said that, I have to say I think Helen's business idea was exceptionally poor and the advisers should have pointed out that concierge has already been done to death – APA sees concierge services regularly and they play to a very niche market.

Helen now jumps to the head of the list of PA role models and will be much prized on the speaker circuit. I for one will be attempting to get her to an APA event. I have already written to Helen a couple of times asking for a quote about her transition from PA to hot new property but as yet no reply. She has her own website at and you can connect with her on Linked In.

I am sure all members of APA will join me in wishing her well and take a keen interest as her career progresses. She did the PA profession proud and proved beyond any reasonable doubt that PAs possess skills far more advanced and sophisticated than some of the most senior managers; she was a great leader, consummate business and financial planner and first class presenter. She endorsed the belief that there is a definite place for PAs in the Boardroom. Well done Helen, you are a star.

Gareth. APA

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