Sunday 11 March 2012

APA on the forthcoming Budget

APA believes the coming budget needs to be an ambitious one for the small and medium businesses that promise to be the salvation for the economy and future employment. Britain's rising stars need a considerable boost when the Chancellor stands up to deliver his third Budget speech on 21st March.

APA is well placed to present the concerns of the leaders of smaller businesses with a huge number of its members being the PAs to the owners of small and medium sized businesses across all sectors.

Gareth Osborne of APA still believes the biggest frustration felt by innovative companies that are capable of wealth and job creation is finance, or specifically the lack of it.

“We will be watching the Chancellor’s presentation closely of Wednesday (21st) to see if he adequately addresses the big issue for smaller companies; especially the availability of credit to fund their day-to-day working capital needs. We regularly hear stories where suppliers have to turn down ‘company-changing’ orders because its bank would not help to finance the cash flow.”

It means all eyes at APA will be on the Chancellor's £20bn credit-easing plans - likely to involve using the state's credit rating to lower the cost for banks such as Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds to secure funds in the wholesale markets, which could then be passed on to small companies.

APA - Members can read more by going to the Members area of the APA Website

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