Monday 26 March 2012

How are you feeling?

Suicide still remains a taboo subject but according to statistics from Samaritans, “every 2 minutes someone attempts suicide and every 79 minutes someone succeeds in taking their own life”.  With figures like these, Samaritans provide a vital service available 24/7 to those in the UK and Ireland so that people can talk openly about their feelings without fear of being judged. 

Katie Manning, ex-volunteer says;
“In today’s society not everyone feels able to talk to friends, family or partners about feelings of despair and depression, so I cannot talk highly enough of the valuable service that Samaritans provide. To have someone at the end of a phone anytime of the day or night to listen in total confidence can be a real source of comfort and support to many people.”
In the largest and oldest branch of Samaritans, based in Soho London, they answered the phone 95,693 times in 2011 alone.  APA encourages people to share their feelings and if you are ever feeling low or need a friendly ear, remember Samaritans are always there to ‘just listen’.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please check the Samaritans website and look for volunteer opportunities in your local area. 

Katie Manning FAPA

1 comment:

Gareth, APA said...

Well done Katie and welcome to the Blog Group.