Wednesday 21 March 2012

Will today's Budget give us any help?

Here’s what we want from the Budget

Xavier Rolet, Chief Executive, The Stock Exchange says: "We would like to see strong policies to support the UK's innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). They will be the growth engines of our economy. There should be a greater choice of financing for SMEs, including strong access to equity and non-bank debt.”

Andy Clarke, Chief Executive, Asda says: [Our customers] are telling us loud and clear that the single most important thing they want from the Chancellor is a cut in the price of fuel. Most want to see the planned fuel duty increase scrapped. In fact over half want duty cut, not frozen. They know that would mean more money in their pockets to spend on their families."

Jerry Bulhmann, CEO, Aegis says: "Anything that stimulates growth and enterprise in the private sector has to be good for the economy. "Growth is only going to come from the private sector."

Gareth Osborne, DG, APA says: “We agree with all of the above and feel there is a need to support all initiatives that support the working family through tax incentives, family and child-based credits and nursery care and maternity and paternity leave. There should be tax incentives for flexible working and especially for home working and, above all others, the Government should, after 40 years, look to equalise the pay rates between men and women working in comparable jobs.”

Let’s see what happens later today.


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