Tuesday 1 May 2012

In love?

APA wants to find out if you love being a Personal Assistant. When you get up and out of bed is it with a spring in your step?  Or do you come across that Sunday night feeling one too many times?

It’s hard not to come across inspirational speakers and anecdotes that tell us ‘if you love what you do then it’s no longer work’ etc. Steve Jobs gave a speech and some advice to the graduates at Stanford College:
You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.”
And as we progress through our working life we are always reminded to check if we’re on track, or do we need to make a change to ensure we’re doing a job that gives us satisfaction, fulfilment and reward.  The School of Life, based near Euston even offers a ‘How to find the job you love class’ to try and help establish what you want from your working life.

Then there is also the fear, am I in the wrong place and just too afraid to make the leap?  Throw in some news headlines telling us about rising unemployment rates and this can increase the fear factor or even leave no option.  If you feel you need an extra push, books like ‘who moved my cheese’ tell us we should avoid getting stuck with ‘old cheese’. This is handed out on the APA diploma course.

So, tell us, do you love being a Personal Assistant?

Katie Manning FAPA

1 comment:

Gareth, APA said...

Katie has made a very strong point here about doing what you love. I have been lucky to have only done jobs I have enjoyed and moved, fairly regularly to ensure I stay fresh and challenged (and taken my PAs with me). I have always had one eye tuned into job opportunities and have always applied for jobs I know I would love to win - I haven't always won but the chase can be as satisfying as the contest (who am I kidding, I only ever want to win!). But every challenged has led me on to bigger and better things. APA is the best and for anyone who is in doubt that I really love my current role - and if you are brave enough - just ask me why and I will go on for hours and hours about it.