Thursday 28 May 2009

Dark days in Docklands

I have spent a fair amount of time in Docklands during my business life and have always been invigorated by the buzz the place exudes. During the heady days (pre-Crunch), when commissions were high, midday was always particular wild with the young and upwardly mobile heading out for the chichi boutiques and flamboyant lunches. But those days are long gone and as I met one of my favourite friends for lunch yesterday I couldn’t help noticing how gloomy everyone looked. No more bounce or riotous laughter, just long faces and subdued grunts. Over lunch a guy at the next table said, “Still, I’ve got an interview tonight, so it’s not all bad!”

I doubt that the financial sector will ever be a trusted barometer for the state-of-the-nation again but it seems a long way from recovery in Docklands. It would be good to hear from PAs working there to know if the picture is less gloomy that images suggest.


1 comment:

Mandi Grey, Thompsons said...

We call it Docklands Doom! I work here and it's desperate. My firms thinks things are starting to change, perhaps slowly but some gentle improvement.