Thursday 21 May 2009

To boldly go ...

While I wouldn't want to take anything away from Major Tim Peake, who was announced yeaterday as Britain's first 'official' Astronaut; actually quite the reverse for as a former professional pilot myself he automatically joins the ranks of my aviational heroes, I object to the notion of 'first' when it's aplied to his achievement.

Helen Sharman will always remain the first 'true' British Astronaut to me; and I had the huge pleasure of interviewing her for a radio show I did in 1992.

Helen flew into space in 1991 aboard a Soyuz rocket (mission TM-12) which lasted 8 days and linked with the MIA space station. She was trained as an engineer and chemist and formerly worked for Mars (not the planet, the chocolate company). Can you imagine a better CV including both space travel and chocolate?



Susan Anderson said...

I also met Helen and she is a quiet, confident and highly intelligent individual. She certainly never thrust herself into the spotlight when she returned. I wonder what she's doing now?

I haven't been back into the blog for a while but its coming along wonderfully. Lot's of interesting stuff. I will discuss it with my PA colleagues in the Company. Perhaps it's time we all joined APA?

Gareth, APA said...

Hi Susan,

Glad you like the site and agree with my thoughts about Helen. I would hate to see her drift into obscurity in the wake of a new guy - I understand how important a new superhero is to each generation but being first has to remain just that little bit special.

On Corporate membership ... I would be happy to come along and meet your colleagues; during lunch or after work if it is more convenient, and explain the strengths of APA membership. Just call me on 0800 107 1030.

Tracy Carter FAPA said...

I'm probably going off on a tangent but this blog has touched on a subject that is on my mind at the moment. In my free time I'm a leader for Girlguiding and work with 5-7 yr olds (Rainbows). I showed the girls a photo of the Queen - they didn't know who it was, I played the national anthem, they didn't recognise it etc. In a fun way I am introducing them to Britain and the reasons to be proud of Britain - after reading this blog I will now introduce them to some of our heroes, I know Helen will certainly be on the list.