Sunday 1 March 2009

Creme 2009 - the jury's out

It costs APA about £5,000 in total to attend the Creme event in London each year and Directors are starting to question the wisdom of this level of investment for the return it generates.

They would welcome your thoughts on the value of our attendance; it is unquestionably a good show and over the course of the event around 8,000 people are thought to attend (not all PAs) but this is a small percentage of the PA-population operating across the UK and being a London event could be seen to be making us London-centric. What do you think?



Anonymous said...

I have been going to Creme for years with PA friends and we really didn't enjoy it last year. The fashion show was good but we agreed we didn't get that much of value to our employers - who were paying for us to be there. It seemed to be full of peple collecting give-aways!

I don't think we can justify being too extravagent this year. We probably won't go.

Did APA get any Members from it last and did their subs equal the spend?

Anonymous said...

I wasn't able to go lst year, but I have always enjoyed the event. It was at this event that I first became aware of APA so it was very useful on my part.
You mention that it is only in London, but Creme also hold an event each December in Manchester. Do you not attend that one as well?

Tracy Carter FAPA said...

I have also been going to Creme for years and although I agree that last year was not the best I enjoy the networking opportunities and always leave with new contacts and ideas. As a new APA Member I would be very disappointed not to see an APA stand.

Anonymous said...

Hi TC, Thanks for the comment and your opinion is extremely valid. As a marketeer I was always told never to spend money on pure appearance (just having to be there because it's damaging if you are not!) you must get measurable value - sadly last year we didn't.

I would like t know more about your thoughts on the the networking. I can see that you can meet suppliers all neatly assembled in one location - which I accept is important - but do you also get to meet your peers?

Gareth Osborne

Anonymous said...

Hi again,

I have been talking to PA friends and they still want to go to Creme this year but the attitude is definitely one of; it's a legitimate day-out. So I guess I will be asking to go after all.

Not much of an endorsement though is it?

Anonymous said...

Times Creme is a complex event. It's the one place than you can see suppliers, event and hospitality informaiton, training seminars and other PA/Secretarial groups and publications.

PAs do need some sort of forum that allows this. I attended last year but helped out one of the other PA associations on their stand. That gave me an opportunity to meet other PAs even if for such a short period of time.

Times Creme was probably the only forum that was marketed to a wide network of PAs. Maybe it needs to offer more than just a collection of suppliers, but something that PAs/Secretaries and other office professional will value and want to keep, even during a recession.

London PA

TC said...

I think it is so sad that this event has been cancelled/postponed due to the economic climate. My concern is that this event has gone forever which will mean the loss of the only event of its kind for PA's. PA's need this event to continue. I agree that this event is a unique opportunity for networking with other PA's. Perhaps the APA could hold a networking type event within the Times Creme - perhaps even something as simple as a speed networking session or a Members lunch? I'm not a marketeer but I, for one, hope the event will be back on in November and I'd love to meet any APA Members while I'm there!

Gareth, APA said...

As the original dates have now passed and we are looking towards November, I thought I would close this item and comment on the final blogs.

To Anonymous 2 I would agree with your statement about the complexity of the event but feel like many other exhibitors that the conference and exhibition, has become a little cynical. As long as the organisers get enough exhibitors to cover the costs and persuade an audience (frankly any audience) to make up the numbers then no-one can complain. Some of the attendees where definitely let in to make up the numbers! And the chance of any real 'networking' in this environment is equally low grade.

Given the credibility of The Times, its Creme brand and the good work of Touchstone I think they can do much better - if they want to.

I personally believe the November event will run and, given a little easing in the economy, will be a great event.

For TC - one of our regular contributors - I would say that there is room for other parallel PA events and APA is in discussion with a major new venue and an events organiser to create a smaller but regional activity to offer an alternative to Creme. I personaly doubt that The Times will participate - I have contacted them on several occasions and never had a reply before.

If November does go ahead, I will ensure APA organises an opportunity for our Members to meet at the show. If we book a stand I will endeavour to create a Members lounge.