Friday 20 March 2009

Director Training

A recent enquiry from a Member asked, “Does anyone know what training my newly promoted boss – now a Director of the Business – could attend to prepare her for her corporate responsibilities?” It isn’t the first time we have been asked this by PAs so I thought it was time I shared the answer.

Without doubt the finest director training programmes in the UK are produced and delivered by the Institute of Directors (IoD) and I can vouch for them myself having attended most of them in my early days as a director; and more recently having recommending them to a friend and getting similarly positive feedback..

Coming out of a recession, as we have to do at sometime in the future, businesses that survive will need a competitive edge and one way is to ensure its leaders are prepared for the opportunities ahead; trained and practised strategic thinkers (the core skill of any successful director) has to be one of the greatest advantage any business can have. [Well that and a strong order book!]

I would personally recommend the series called ‘The role of’ followed by either ‘a Company Director’, ‘the Company Secretary’, ‘the Managing Director’ etc. Choose whichever best suits the role of your boss.

Course details and prices (you get what you pay for) can be found at


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