Sunday 14 June 2009

Balancing the baby and a business!

Some women find that the only way they could juggle work and children is to establish their own business, it has been claimed.

According to the British Association of Women Entrepreneurs (BAWE), childcare can put a "huge burden" on employment and starting their own firm can help some women achieve balance. However, the body's president Tatjana Hine stated that setting up shop on their own is not an "easy" option for working mums as they still have to work around and pay for nannies etc."

It isn't an easy option, it's as simple as that, there is no easy way to be looking after children and to be a company holder where you are employing people and you have them to worry about as well," she added.

Earlier this year a study by Prowess highlighted that female entrepreneurs could be key to helping the UK out of the recession.The research stated that positive evidence points to women business owners driving a new enterprise model based on diligent risk taking and collaboration which take account of wider social values alongside profits.

So what do APA Members think, would they consider going it alone and what help do they think they may need. Our own Doctor Gareth is a renowned entrepreneur, he might have some views on this? Please let me know.

Aimee Lewis FAPA


Vicki Henderson said...

This is a good post Aimee. As a PA and single Mum I find life a real juggling trick at the moment. Thank goodness for great parents. I am planning to launch my own business in September, it's very scary but my current boss has offered to help, and I think it will give me greater freedom to watch my darling Holly as she grows.

Does anyone know much about VAT registration and could help me?

Gareth, APA said...

Morning Vicki,

I would be delighted to help you on any VAT issue. Trust me if I say it is really straightforward and just requires you to think like HMRC (Revenue and Customers) and not try to buck the system.

Email me at: and I will help in any of your business start up issues.

Gareth, APA said...

Sorry had a brain freeze - should read Revenue and Customs! Proves I always think about Customers though!

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