Friday 26 June 2009

Morning or afternoon person?

People really can be classed as “early risers” and “night owls”, according to new research. Scientists have uncovered proof that brain functions peak at different times of the day in different types of people.

Researchers in Canada found that the brains of “morning people” were most excitable at 9am but that this slowly decreased during the day.
However, for night owls it was the exact opposite with their brains most excitable at 9pm.

The researchers also found that “evening people” became physically stronger throughout the day. But the strength of “morning people” remained much the same before fading later in the day.

I know which I am, do you?

Shelley, APA

From a report in the Daily Mail Friday 26th June by Emily Fox

1 comment:

Nikki Gerrard, PML said...

Hi Shelly,

I'm a night person and sometimes struggle in the morning, especially to be sociable. My Boss is a morning-type and bounces around like a lunatic everyday; its reaaly annoying! But he starts to slow down after lunch when I'm starting to perk up. Still we seem to get on well together.