Monday 20 April 2009


I work for a pharmaceutical company and am amazed daily by the things that cross my desk and people explain to me. Only last week I spotted another ground-breaking announcement.

“Once upon a time, researchers knew that DNA contained four nucleotides: A, T, C and G. Then they found a fifth. And now they've found a sixth. The discovery helps to explain why species with very similar genetics can be so different. Humans and chimpanzees famously share 96 per cent of their DNA. The newly discovered nucleotide, called 5-hydroxymethylcytosine, like its forerunner, helps turn genes on and off, but in ways that researchers didn't expect.”

The truly amazing thing about science is that, ‘we don’t know what we don’t know until someone discovers it.’ Think about that for a minute and ask yourself what has been invented or discovered over the last 100 years that has change our lives for the better; Unravelling DNA has to offer the greatest advance for the future (D), Penicillin has changed the treatment of illnesses (D), the aeroplane has changed the way we travel (I), the computer has changed the way we do business and live our lives (I) and microwaves have changed cooking and communication. The pace of knowledge is growing exponentially. What don’t you know today that you will know tomorrow?

Just a thought!

Sarah Tiddy FAPA

1 comment:

Gareth, APA said...

Well done Sarah, nice blog. Looks like you have just volunteered to become our science correndondent! Keep them coming. Gareth